Industry Engagement with Barr Engineering
MnDRIVE Environment and Barr Engineering jointly hosted a “reverse pitch” session on November 15, 2019, that focused on a range of current remediation challenges across Minnesota’s water economy. University researchers and graduate students joined Barr employees and clients to hear about current projects and challenges. The unique “reverse-pitch” style allowed Barr employees to succinctly present some of the most prevalent water remediation issues facing both private and public industries in our state. The engagement generated a number of project-specific conversations between University researchers, Barr engineers, and interested stakeholders — many of which are moving forward with follow-up discussions, project scoping, and even joint conference presentations.
Please visit the MnDRIVE Environment Events page to keep up-to-date with upcoming engagement opportunities, and feel free to reach out to Jeff Standish with suggested topics to explore.