Undergraduate Scholar Program:

MnDRIVE Advancing Industry, Conserving our Environment is excited to announce a new Undergraduate Scholars Program. This new offering replaces our previous undergraduate research funding opportunity offered as part of the Seed Grant Program. 

The purpose of this new Undergraduate Scholars Program is to promote and support undergraduate research in the MnDRIVE Environment program. This new program also adds considerable flexibility for Faculty to find and hire qualified students. By offering proposal submission each month (except December), this “rolling” application process should provide faculty the flexibility to secure and support talented undergraduate researchers. 

Important Details/Dates:

  • Faculty/researcher proposals will be accepted anytime during the year,
  • Proposals submitted by the 15th of each month will be reviewed and funding decisions made before the end of that month.
  • Award start dates will be set for the first day of the following month.

Award Information:

The purpose of the New Undergraduate Scholars Program is to support new and innovative research in the areas of chemical or bioremediation solutions of environmental contaminants affecting greater Minnesota. As before, funds may not be used to support existing or ongoing research projects. Eligible PIs (see requirements in full RFP) may submit proposals for new projects in support of an undergraduate research scholar for one year. Principal Investigators may only have one active Undergraduate Scholar Award at a time. Each MnDRIVE Undergraduate Research Scholar will be awarded $5,000 to be used in support of their salary and up to $500 for project related supplies/expenses/services. Students do not need be identified at the time of submission. Each proposed project must also include an outreach component**, that ideally would be led by the Research Scholar.

**Examples of appropriate outreach projects are: instructional programs in a K-12 setting, video presentations of research posted on the BTI video channel, small group mentoring in a K-12 setting, museum exhibits for public consumption or collaboration with an artist. Use your imagination in these times of COVID.


***MnDRIVE Environment’s Undergraduate Scholar Program will be “On Pause” until further notice. Any questions or inquiries can go to Jeff Standish via email <standish@umn.edu>***

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